Founders Story

At age 6, our Founder, Monica M Madden, found herself listening to a conversation that was not for her ears. She immediately internalized the conversation and began having suicidal thoughts. After 40 years of dealing with depression and suicidal ideation, Monica recovered due to her self-learning and reprogramming of her neuropathways. Monica became certified in Neurolinguistics, Hypnotherapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. She later found the connection between the brain and mental health through her studies at Dr. Amen and Amen Clinics, where she was certified in brain health and became a licensed brain trainer. 

Because Monica has personal experience, she recognizes the signs of mental health challenges. In 2019, Monica noticed her 13-year-old daughter showing signs of emotional distress, so she began teaching her kid the tools to overcome the same. 

In addition to helping herself and her daughter, in 2021, she became her brother, Tyree's advocate, as he went through a mental health crisis or what his doctor called a "psychotic break." During his psychotic break, he lost his job, gave hundreds to scammers, and almost lost his apartment. Tyree's mental health crisis led Monica to receive a Mental Health First Aid certification. Unfortunately, this year, 2024, his life ended by suicide. 

Because of the challenges she faced as her brother's advocate, Monica became determined to educate others on ways to mitigate mental illness through the brain and mental health connections, as well as provide services to help individuals and families conquer the gaps she encountered as an advocate.